Tourism – Luxury goods – Beauty

For some countries, tourism represents a ever-changing opportunity or even a major economic driver. How do you stand out in this highly competitive sector?
With the coming of Airbnb and particularly all the new systems of exchange, the industry was facing unprecedented challenges that were only compounded by the pandemic.
agence traduction tourisme
agence traduction tourisme

Do you want to attract more foreign visitors?

Do you essentially communicate in French and English only? An online presence is essential in the digital age to hold your own against the competition. Photographs are vital to attract your audience. They should be given particular attention. We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words.
While writing, opt for precise descriptions of your facilities, activities, etc. To boost your web communication, you need to publish regular items on social media, in addition to your website. A high-quality translation of all your offers will make it possible to reach more people, since it will make your content accessible to a much wider audience. Internet users who read the content in their own language will feel more comfortable and will be much more willing to accept your offer.
agence traduction tourisme
Our translators in the tourism sector know how to adapt your texts to different cultures. They will be able to translate your flyers, tourist guides, blogs, hotel descriptions, brochures, restaurant menus, websites, emails, social media and other publications. A well-translated website will make you much more credible, especially if you want to make headway in the international luxury market, for example.
That is why it is important to avoid the temptation of machine translation, which can ruin the image of a top product. Recurrent errors can be extremely costly, in terms of their effect on your brand image. You might miss good growth opportunities by wanting to save on professional translation of your material.
If you have very large volumes of documents to translate and a limited budget, there are alternative solutions. This is why we can also assist you to find the best strategy in terms of content and type of translation. Hybrid translation may be appropriate for certain content, while revised human translation remains essential for high visibility content.
If you want to know more about content strategies, click here.

Here are a few references for our translation work:

agence traduction tourisme

Comité Départemental du Jura [Jura regional council] Tourist magazine intended to:

Win new customers; inform tourists so as to encourage them to spend more locally during their stay; unite Tourism professionals and the regions of the Jura in a publication conveying an image of the destination.

agence traduction tourisme

La Chaumière Hôtel-Restaurant Website translation

Win foreign customers.

agence traduction tourisme

Val d’Argent tourist office Various tourist communications


agence traduction tourisme

Pays Rhénan tourist office Pays Rhénan magazine + website

agence traduction tourisme alsace

Alsace Welcome Translations about tourism and wines in Alsace.

(Europa Park, Christmas market, wine route, villages, etc.)

agence traduction tourisme alsace

Alsace Destination tourism Alsace Cycling Circuits And various brochures on regional amenities

agence traduction tourisme besancon

Greater Besançon regional council Various translations for the ESIMeC project | URBACT ESIMeC unites eight medium-sized towns throughout Europe sharing the same challenges and the same priorities.

The main aim of ESIMeC is to develop innovative economic strategies that exploit all the advantages and special features of medium-sized towns, enabling them to better overcome recessions and encourage faster economic recovery as well as long-term growth and economic resilience.

agence traduction alpes

Alpes de Haute-Provence Département Documentation about museums

agence traduction tourisme site web

Tellure Website translation Mining park including an optical theatre and an audio-guided museum experience.

agence traduction tourisme


Your premium or luxury products are intended for demanding customers. You cannot afford to let them down with shabby communication. Our specialised translators work in all luxury goods areas, including leather goods, fashion and haute couture, jewellery, watchmaking, water sports and wines and spirits.

Every field has its own language and each company or house has its own way of promoting its brand, products or services. Our best writers will compose well-crafted and impactful copy to convey your message, in line with your market position. Whether it is for a product launch, a press pack, marketing and publicity material, product leaflets, packaging or other items, we are committed to localising your content to perfection.
Translations in this field have to be exceptional, both in terms of substance and form. Customers demand premium products. If translations contain typographic errors or the character font is not the most suitable, customers will be turn away from your products, regardless of their quality. Packaging is the first thing to catch the eye, and often determines the purchase decision.

Here are a few of our accomplishments in this special sector:

agence traduction tourisme

Le Hameau du Renard Blanc: Translation of web pages dedicated to luxury chalets: (premium accommodation):

agence traduction tourisme


Are you involved in the cosmetics, perfume or hair-styling business and harbour international ambitions? The world of beauty products requires its own language. Our native translators specialise in these fields and provide high quality translations.

Typographical errors or the use of obsolete terms on your packaging have a direct impact on the image of your brand. At a time when beauty is well-established in the digital world, social media are the principal platform used by prospects and customers to find information about their chosen products. If your social media pages display products with badly-translated packaging, or publications only available in French or English, you could miss many opportunities and not exploit your growth potential fully.
Let’s talk!



Let us discuss your international projects and translation needs.

Contact us today!

Strasbourg Office

20 route de Strasbourg

67550 Vendenheim, France

+33 (0)3 67 10 40 40

Marseille Office

180 Avenue du Prado

13008 Marseille, France

+33 (0)4 84 89 09 15

Lyon Office

21, avenue Georges Pompidou

69003 Lyon, France

+33 (0)4 28 29 77 15