
HR Management Training

‘Leaders’ need to have special skills for developing their employees and helping them find fulfilment in the workplace.
The 2020 pandemic has revealed the importance of trust between employees and their managers, especially while remote working. Remote management: a formidable challenge. For its part, distance learning is also proving to be a real growth driver under the able guidance of trained professionals.
agence traduction ressources humaines
Over the years, we have developed extensive expertise in the field of Human Resources. We routinely translate the content of e-learning and blended learning modules, and also leadership development and coaching content. Digitisation has become decisive for business success, since it allows people to learn, increase knowledge and develop skills without leaving their homes.
agence traduction ressources humaines
Innovation is one of the four core values of Six Continents. Our industry is experiencing continual transformation through digitisation. The suppliers of HR solutions naturally turn to us to support them as they transfer their systems into other languages. Indeed, most of their content is in special file formats and we have developed the capabilities to link up with our clients’ systems. In particular, this advantage eliminates copying and pasting, detects new content and even automates the translation process collaboratively.
Over the last two years, we have translated more than 4 million words in the fields of Leadership and Management.
BTS, a Leadership Training company that won 25 awards in 2019 for its highly innovative projects, asked us to translate its wide-ranging online content covering topics such as leadership development, guides, workshops, role-playing cards, assessment forms, etc.   Another client, Rise-Up, offers blended learning services, also known as ‘hybrid learning’.
agence traduction ressources humaines
Since part of the learning takes place on e-learning platforms, we work directly in the native format and create translated versions aimed at foreign learners.
As innovation is one of our company’s headline values, we also take part in various HR events in France and abroad. Most recently, the LEARNTEC show in Germany ( Attending these events allows us to be even closer to our customers and stay at the forefront of new digital and e-learning technologies (new applications, programs and computer-aided learning solutions).
Do you think our expertise in your business could be of use to you?
Talk to us about your international projects and tell us how you want to translate your content into several languages. We will offer you suitable ways to translate your e-learning modules, booklets, courses, assessments, surveys, webinars, official reports, guides, workshops, role-playing cards, assessment sheets, reports, articles, certificates, psychometric test applications or online questionnaires.

Let’s talk!

#efficiency #practicality #results

Let us discuss your international projects and translation requirements.

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Strasbourg Office 20 route de Strasbourg 67550 Vendenheim, +33 (0)3 67 10 40 40
Marseille Office 180 Avenue du Prado, 13008 Marseille, +33 (0)4 84 89 09 15
Lyon Office 21, avenue Georges Pompidou, 69003 Lyon, +33 (0)4 28 29 77 15
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