Sustainable construction projects, agreements, guidelines, websites, data sheets, environmental regulations, articles, etc.
Printing reduced by 95%
We only have one printer for the whole team, and it covers our needs. That is because we only print when that is essential, and then only the part that is necessary. We use paperless processes as far as possible. Also, our printer offers a double-sided printing facility.
Limited electricity consumption
Our offices are not excessively heated in the winter season, and staff are encouraged to wear a warm layer.
Optimised travel
We prefer video-conferencing over physical travel. We selected offices alongside a railway station so that our people can commute using public transport.
Use of sorted waste bins
We sort all our waste (glass, plastic, coffee pods, etc.)
Very regular sorting of our email boxes
In order to keep down unnecessary message storage, we have invested in a collaborative messaging system that covers the whole team without having to send an email to each team member. For in-house exchange, we have an instant massaging system and regularly delete obsolete threads.
We sometimes buy used equipment
Whenever possible (laptop computers, paper shredder, etc.)
Because each individual in our team is aware of their environmental responsibility, these measures were taken up enthusiastically. What is more, it is an argument in our favour with applicants who are aware of the issues and want to work with an environmentally responsible company.”
Let us discuss your international projects and translation needs.