Our partners

Because translation is only one part of the success of your international development, Six Continents has built relationships with several companies capable of addressing your other global challenges such as e-commerce, digital guides, export…
You can benefit from their expertise if you wish.

Collaborative exports

international development

Developing business in complex faraway markets is a difficult challenge for small and medium-sized companies; working with your peers in the same industry helps raise your profile, while sharing costs and experience, in order to promote a complete French or regional offer in your line of business. This is one of the services offered by our partner EOC International. Contact: annemr@eoc-international.com


are you…?

A business already well-established in your market with online operations accounting for more than 10% of your sales. You want to boost your overseas sales with a practical, quick and effective approach.
Use Market Invaders to manage your catalogue, advertisements and prices intuitively and efficiently across more than 90 marketplaces around the world! Contact: alexis.coquilhat@market-invaders.com



Your museum or company accessible from all the sofas in the world.
Grâce à notre partenariat avec Prem dan Museos, nous accompagnons les entreprises, musées et lieux culturels dans leur transformation numérique. La distanciation sociale ou l’éloignement ne doivent plus être des freins mais des opportunités.

Quoi de mieux que de rendre votre musée accessible à tous en 360° grâce à un guide virtuel multilingue ?

Faites de la distance votre nouvelle alliée.

Let’s talk!



Let us discuss your international projects and translation needs.

Contact us today!


20 route de Strasbourg

67550 Vendenheim
+33 (0)3 67 10 40 40


180 Avenue du Prado,

13008 Marseille
+33 (0)4 84 89 09 15


21, avenue Georges Pompidou,

69003 Lyon Cedex 03
+33 (0)4 28 29 77 15